Rev Kristin Warthen
Senior Pastor
Kristin Warthen joins St. Andrews UMC in the pulpit and in mission at every opportunity she is able. As Pastor, Kristin gets to live out her passion of serving God through ministries of care, justice, and service with this community of faith, and welcomes all who would like to join in these ministries as well!
When she’s not listening to a podcast, reading a book, watching a movie, or telling family and friends about one of those things, Pastor Kristin can probably be found exploring new ways to connect people with God and one another.
Kristin came to ministry by taking the long, circuitous path. Raised outside the church, Kristin began attending a small church when she was 13, grasped the depth of God’s love for her at 16, and went to Howard Payne University at 17. At HPU, she made two important discoveries:
1. Her high school sweetheart was in fact the person with whom she wanted to build a life
2. United Methodism is her theological home
Krsitin graduated with her M.Div from Brite Divinity School in 2019 and was ordained as an elder in UMC in 2020. Kristin’s professional experience ranges from marriage and family ministries to camp ministry and youth ministry, and even ministry in the district offices of the United Methodist Church where she grew way too acquainted with polity and the Book of Discipline. Somewhere along the way, she also married that high school sweetheart, had two spirited daughters, taught high school English, and traveled the nation as a National Sales Trainer and Instructional Designer in the telecommunications industry.
In all this, Pastor Kristin remains passionate about sharing the hope of Christ in the world and looks forward to partnering with you to do so!